Charlotte is 3 Months!

Another month come and gone! The amazing thing is, you manage to get cuter every day!

We have a first major milestone to report for this last month, you rolled over!!!

On Thursday, September 19th, you rolled over from your tummy to your back.

Proof here.

The very next day you rolled from your back to your tummy. Shortly after that you figured that these rolls could actually get you somewhere and you rolled part way across our living room.

Other than you rolling over, it was an extremely mild and uneventful month compared to your first two.

We went to the waterslides one more time

And we enjoyed the last days of summer.

You are quite a babe in a swimsuit!!

I know in just a month or two I will look back and think these chubby legs seem small but BOY are you chubby Tootsie. I could eat up your legs so quickly!! 

This month you started taking a strong liking to your Daddy. I believe this is the beginning of the end for you two. You are his girl... completely!

Your eyes are still blue (which I adore) and you are getting pretty strong. You actually don't mind tummy time much at all.

This month you decided that you would only sleep with us in our bed. No where else. So this is what I get to wake up to in the morning - FAVORITE part of my day!! Seriously Charlotte - you are SO beautiful!

Oh, and this face - no big deal. You just go ahead and keep practicing this so you can get everything you want. Seriously - I will never say "no" to it!

We still love you more every day. Having a girl seems quite surreal to me, even after 3 months. And I can't believe how completely infatuated I am with you.

 The best thing that happened this month was: Seeing you roll over!!!

The funniest thing that happened this month was: You figuring out how to splash in the water - this is NO exaggeration of how we look after your baths:


The worst thing that happened this month was: your first round of vaccinations on 9/25. You were such a trooper and handled it incredibly well but I sure hated it!!

Time is going too fast. I can't look away from you too long or you change. Please stay little forever. Please always be my baby. Please never stop letting me hold you in my arms or kiss every inch of your body or play endless games of patty cake with you. I know there is a beautiful girl blossoming inside of you but right now you are my baby and I am your mommy and I REALLY would like to keep it that way for as long as you'll let me!
