While You Were Away - Week 1

Grammy is serving God in South Korea for the next three weeks so we're keeping track of everything we're up to while she's gone so she can catch up when she gets home. Here's your week one re-cap Grammy:
Wednesday Zachary got his first taste of FRESH blueberries...
he also found a hole in his face that he's pretty interested in

Thursday we went up to visit Pa and Belly and to celebrate Packer's 3rd Birthday. Packy and Belly had some ice cream
Zachary tried coloring for the first time. He loved it until we told him he couldn't eat the crayons. 

We also went outside to play and Bubba rearranged some of your furniture
Friday we started our hamburger trial - Zachary likes the taste but is still having a hard time swallowing so he just piles tons in his mouth before I have to go in and dig it out
Saturday we went to a birthday party. They had a bouncy house. Zachary was happy.
Today we had Pa and Uncle J come over for a BBQ. I made S'more cobbler - Zachary played with marshmallows :)
I also helped J with his resume - Zachary set himself up a home office.
He is extremely into "helping" these days. 

We miss you so much. We think of you and pray for you every day. Zachary calls Grammy on his phone all the time. We can't wait for you to come home, but in the mean time - WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU! Ten days and counting...
