A Life Worth Living and a Story Worth Telling

Well, here it is, my new blog! I decided to move up to the next level with my blogging. When I first started writing in a blog I had no idea what path it would take . I didn't know if I'd keep up with it, if I'd enjoy it, if I'd be good at it, or if I'd even have anything to write about. 

But here I am, 5 months into it, and I love it. When I started blogging I was hoping it would be a place where family and friends could follow our story and what is going on in our lives. I started writing so that my story could be read. But, it has actually turned into something I am doing for myself. It has become a form of therapy for me, one where I can release my thoughts, organize them, process them, and turn them into something beautifulTo put your thoughts in writing is to make yourself accountable for what is in your heart. Often I type something out and realize that what I'm feeling isn't right or isn't healthy, the forgiveness of a keyboard allows me to go back, delete my thoughts, and write them from a new perspective. This has helped me change what is in my heart, as well. 

Not only is blogging therapy, it is documenting our family history. If no one in the world read my blog, I would still write it. I would write it for my children, and my grandchildren, and my great grandchildren. I believe that what is happening in this moment will shape our family for generations. I can't tell you how deeply I wish I could read my Mother's, Grandmother's, and Great Grandmother's stories and thoughts on raising a family.... their family. This blog is a gift to my kids. 

This blog gives me a chance to reflect on our journey. I'm not perfect, I'm actually very imperfect. I make mistakes and I've accepted that. I am allowing myself to be vulnerable because there is beauty in raw pain. I am writing from my heart and that means that not everyone is going to agree with what I say or how I feel. But this is who I am. I am covered in God's grace and find peace in that, which enables me to just be me.

My blog is growing. That is a huge reason I created a new website. More importantly, my blog is giving me a chance to grow. I have always enjoyed writing, but never took the time to do it. It is giving me an opportunity to be creative and to expand on my thoughts, my ideas, my knowledge, my expression, and my vocabulary. 

Writing is giving me a platform to spread the love of God. I hear often that a reader is encouraged, inspired, moved, brought to tears, relieved, and blessed by my story. That is what God put me on this earth for, to share His love, and I will use any platform I can find to fulfill that purpose.

Blogging has become a community for me. It connects me to other writers. I find myself totally captivated in so many other people's lives and stories. This community is helping me grow as a person; as a mom, as a wife, as a Christian. I am blessed by other blogger's gifts and in turn, pray that my gift can be a blessing as well.

With my new website I was asked to create a name for my blog. That left me asking myself: "What do I actually want to write about?" Well, to be honest, I am still trying to figure that out. I don't have a clear direction of where I want to go with my blog. What I do know is that the possibilities are endless. I have a beautiful family, I have a beautiful God, and I have the gift of words. I can go so far with that. I believe that God has a purpose for my life and a purpose for this blog. I believe that I can use my story, whatever it may be, to further His kingdom and to bring hope and encouragement to people who stumble across my writing. I know that, because God blessed me with a beautiful life, my life is worth living. And THAT, is a story worth telling. 


  1. Mandi, You are quite a writer! I'm not an easy audience, either. Just ask the marketing staff! It is very inspiring to watch your journey here in the blogosphere. You go, mama! A friend posted on FB recently the quote, "A year from now you will wish you had started today." This is what I am getting at when I say you are an inspiration. Way to DO IT, today. P.S. You three are quite possibly the most adorable-est family around. Love to follow you all...Jen


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